Introduction to BASE Jumps

It all starts with that first jump. If you're not sure if BASE is for you or can't wait to get started, we offer introduction jumps throughout the year.

Get introduced to BASE

The perfect way to be introduced to BASE jumping without comitting to a full course or buying all the gear. See how you feel afterwards and continue from there. The price is £150 all in but this is deducted from a full course if you continue.

All Equipment Provided

Just turn up on the day and we will provide all the gear you need, packed, inspected and ready for you to jump.

Full Brief & De-brief

A full, detailed, brief before is provided and a debrief afterwards for you to improve. However, your first jump is a simple one and more of a battle in the mind.

Video & Photos

There will be plenty of opportunities for photos and we will give you a full quality of your video to enjoy afterwards.

Ready for your first jump?
Get on the list today.